Friday, April 5, 2013


kavige iruvudu ravigillada kannu

Poet has eyes which arent even present in the sun  

kattaleyallu belakanu kaanuva kannu

Eyes which can see light in darkness

nageya hinde iruva kashtava hudukuva kannu

Eyes which can see the pain behind the smile

anandabashpava arthaisuva hrudayada kannu

Eyes of the heart which can comprehend the tears of joy

snehakke mammala maraguva sahishnuteya kannu

Eyes which care for friendship

kannotadalli paristithiya sambalisuva arivina kannu

Eyes which can give reassurance in troubled times

nimma udaaravada hurudumbikeyali mereyuva hemmeya kannu

Eyes which light up in the ego caused by your motivation 

nimma snehada saviya munde nannadu mooka kannu

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